Monday, July 30, 2012

Mesothelioma Victims Center Now Offers Families Dealing With A Loss To ... -

Mesothelioma Victims Center Now Offers Families Dealing With A Loss To MesotheliomaThe Mesothelioma Victims Center says, "Tragically, every week we get a call from a family member who just lost a dad, a mom, or a husband to mesothelioma. We want nothing but the best for a family dealing with a loss of a family member to a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma.
Provided it's been less than a few years after the loss, we would still like to give the family the names of the best mesothelioma law firms in the nation, or best mesothelioma attorneys in the US along with their specific contacts, with the hope one of these very capable law firms can try to get some significant compensation for the family.

In some instances the compensation could be hundreds of thousands of dollars, or millions of dollars. No other group in the world offers anything close to our services." According to the US Centers for Disease Control, about 2500 US citizens will be diagnosed with mesothelioma this year. Of this group about one-third are US Navy Veterans.

The Mesothelioma Victims Center says, "We are trying to be game changers for US Navy Veterans or individuals dealing with a mesothelioma diagnosis, or a family dealing with a loss from this rare form of cancer. If you are dealing with a diagnosis or a loss to mesothelioma-please let us try to help.

Ours is a free service, it's honest, and there is nothing else like it in the United States." Aside from US Navy Veterans, other high risk groups for mesothelioma cancer include shipyard, power plant, or oil refinery workers, plumbers, electricians, county, chemical plant, or city municipal water district workers, miners, demolition construction contractors, railroad workers, or auto brake technicians.

The Mesothelioma Victims Center says, "Typically the average US mesothelioma victim is about 72 years old. More often than not mesothelioma is diagnosed three, four, or even five decades after the exposure to asbestos. Regrettably mesothelioma frequently appears out of the blue. Almost all US mesothelioma victims are retired, and it's literally the last thing they ever thought might happen to them. Most don't even know what mesothelioma cancer is, and we fear hundreds of families dealing with a mesothelioma death, never even bother to call an attorney, in order to see what rights they might have.