The Mesothelioma Victims Center is trying to make certain all US victims of mesothelioma are compensated for this horrible form of cancer by providing a mesothelioma victim, or their family members with the names, and specific contacts of the most successful mesothelioma attorneys in the nation.
No other group in the United States offers services like these.The Mesothelioma Victims Center says, "Unfortunately, because of the average age of most mesothelioma victims we talk to is mid to late 60′s, 70′s, or 80′s, we really need family members to help these individuals get the best possible help.
We are not a law firm, we are advocates for victims of mesothelioma, and we fear many to most victims of mesothelioma get short changed, because they have no way of finding the best possible mesothelioma attorneys. Even sadder we fear because of their age many victims of mesothelioma never pursue a mesothelioma claim, even if it might be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions of dollars."
Mesothelioma is an extremely rare form of cancer. According to the US CDC approximately 2500 US citizens are diagnosed with mesothelioma each year. Mesothelioma cancer is a result of exposure to asbestos. One third of all US mesothelioma victims served in the US Navy.
Other high risk groups for mesothelioma include shipyard, power plant, Chemical plant, or oil refinery workers, plumbers, county, or city municipal water district workers, miners, electricians, demolition contractors, railroad workers, or auto brake technicians.
The Mesothelioma Victims Center says, "Typically the average US mesothelioma victim is in their late 60?s, 70?s, or even 80?s. More often than not mesothelioma is diagnosed three, four, or even five decades after the exposure to asbestos.